The echoes of people we once loved and the numerous lives that we have experienced still linger in the places that we keep going back to. Some of us choose to frequent the past to revisit these moments while others venture past them, carrying untold stories and undiscovered possibilities.
Artflute takes you on a journey with some of our favorite artists, treating you with an illustrated mixtape of stories and inspiration, leading you into a future limited only by imagination.
From the forests of Kumta and the caves of Ajanta to the calm waters of the Ganga and the quaint village of Kaslabad, we invite you to revel in our artists’ personal retelling of influences and impressions, complemented by nostalgic illustrations.
Explore their works with us as we shine the spotlight on delightful nuances and the larger narratives of these artworks. If you have traversed through the collection and have made a personal connection, we will consider our attempt to be a success.
Link to glimpses & echoes: