About Swati Kale
Born on 24th April 1972
Swati Kale’s paintings are an indication of the best form of sublimation. Her obsession with flowers came about after the untimely death of her daughter, Disha, or as the artist says the "loss of a flower that was of my own creation." Her first intuition when she took to painting was to paint flowers. Flowers enchant and fascinate artist Swati Kale, sometimes making her nostalgic and other times sentimental. Her expressive oil paintings have dreamy textures and nostalgic colours which are reminiscent of her memories, dreams, and thoughts. Although she frequently drifts to her favourite lilies, she also paints various kinds of flowers in bunches, vases, and serene landscapes. The seemingly unending varieties of flowers with their infinite hues and shades invigorate her. Swati Kale renders her works of flowers using oil with a brush or knife, which she finds more comfortable working with. Her work is widely loved and holds a place in collections all over the country in the houses of art collectors, and renowned institutions such as Jehangir Art Gallery and Nehru center. Her works have also found patrons and a place in private collections in the United Kingdom and the United States.

G . D. Art , Pune

Awards and recognition
Best Student of the year, Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya, Pune, for year -1989, 1990, 1992Award for a painting contest by Rohan Builders, PuneWoman’s Day camp, By Art 2 Day Gallery, Pune