About Ramchandra Kharatmal
Born on 9th November 1977
Ramchandra Kharatmal is a winner of prestigious National Lalit Kala Award, has also received Maharashtra State art Award and various awards on national level. He has participated in 26 group shows in India and Abroad and in several national and international art exhibitions; and has three successful solo shows to his credit.He has been part of 15 national art camps and has given demonstrations in national level art collages and art programs. He has received 2 years National Scholarship of PPIF(Poorna Prajna Institute of Fine Art, Mumbai). He is a native of Solapur and presently residing in Pune.While looking at his paintings you realize, the warmth of the quilt elaborates tender illusion… and intermingling of colours along with the past memories, are the features of his paintings.Rhythmic shapes and figures and splendid interwoven colours, denoting the past are the features of a quilt that entangled our mind with golden memories…Ramchndara beautifully blossoms these quilt in the contemporary form and makes it perpetual on the canvas with the same warmth and memories, When we look at his paintings, they eternally influence us! These beautifully blossoming quilt in the traditionally retained form and yet contemporary, is the content of Ramchandra’s paintings.

Diploma in Art EducationDiploma in Drawing and Painting (2nd class)Foundation And Art Teacher DiplomaMaster of Fine Art

Awards and recognition
All India Art Exhibition, Bombay Art Society, Mumbai88th All Indian Drama Gathering & Rampure Art Akanami, SolapurThe Art Society of India 89th Annual Art Exhibition, Mumbai48th Indian National Exhibition of Art (LALIT KALA AKADEMY) New Delhi State Government Art Exhibition, Maharashtra State, Mumbai19th All India Art Exhibition, Br. V.V. Oak, Tilak Smarak Trust, Pune5th Prize - All India Art Exhibition Atul Art Foundation, PuneAll India Art Exhibition, Surabhi Kalarant Puraskar, Manav Sansadhan Kendra, Aurangabad2nd Prize – State Level Painting Competition, Samaj Kalyan Kendra Satara1st Prize – Annual Exhibition, Kala Mahavidhyalaya, Satara